Wah-Ming Chang has received grants for fiction from the Urban Artist Initiative, the Bronx Writers’ Center, the Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts, and three times from the New York Foundation for the Arts, as well as residency fellowships from the Center for Book Arts, Byrdcliffe, Yaddo, Dickinson House, Saltonstall, Ucross, and Art Omi. The fiction began in 1986 and has appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, The Literary Review, Joyland, and The Kenyon Review, among other publications; the Hand, Held project began in 2023, portions of which have been exhibited at Rehearsal Art Book Fair, the Jersey Art Book Fair, and Accent Sisters; the poems began in 2024 and has appeared in Works & Days; and the photography and travel began in 2009. Home is Brooklyn, as is wmc is now here. Work is Catapult, as Senior Managing Editor of book production.
Hand, Held, her artist book about her father’s art, is forthcoming from Bored Wolves. The broader project of Hand, Held—haptic traces in the form of zines and installation, part of which were exhibited at Rehearsal Art Book Fair and the Jersey Art Book Fair—is ongoing. The next iteration appears in the 39 Footnotes group exhibition at Accent Sisters (February–March 2025).
Other projects span the lengths of cities, postcards, dreams, Pedro Páramo, and the Low-Key Reading Party. To participate in any of these projects, please get in touch: wmcisnowhere at gmail dot com.
I socialize on the Instagram.
A list of publications can be found here.
Unless otherwise credited, images on this site copyright © 2009–16 by Wah-Ming Chang. All rights reserved.